Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

So there is something that is bothering me…. its all over facebook and so many other sites and I can’t decide why!


Now this is a hard one for me because I have my own opinion and its a rather heated one. So I know that as I sit here ready to type out all my views I am going to upset and offend alot of people. For that I am sorry, but for me this is as honest as it gets.

Do vaccines cause autism?

in short: NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

People are born autistic.

If a vaccine causes a brain injury that doesn’t mean its autism just because there are similar traits. Just as when a person is in a car accident and suffers a brain injury, if they have autistic traits after are they diagnosed as autistic? Nope, they are not. There is a difference between autistic and brain injury resulting from a vaccine. People really need to look at what autism is and what classifies.

Seems to me that the number of diagnosed kids is going up because autism is being used as a cover all! Autism was around long before vaccines. And if vaccines caused autism traits then maybe its because the child was born that way to start or the vaccine poisoning isn’t autism at all but something else.

Now I am by no means saying that there arent kids that dont get sick and change after a vaccine. I do belive that that can happen. However I do not think that its autism that results.

Autism is a brain “function”. It part of how the brain works and develops. It is not caused by a fever or seisure or brain injury.

Does vaccine poisioning exist. HELL YES! Not everyone can handle the smae chemicals being pumped in to thier bodies. Just as we can’t all eat the same foods. But to say that it is the cause of autism is a farce and a skape goat. People need someone or something to blame and as a result it now means that so many children aren’t being vaccinated. Which is just WRONG!

Would people really rather have a sick child, or a dead one or a child that is a carrier of some pretty nasty communicable diseases just because they are afraid that they might end up with an “autistic” child?

Maybe Im wrong here but I would take an autistic or neuro-diverse child anyday over a dead one… just saying.

I have watched as a baby died from whooping cough, I had the chicken pox’s so many times as a kid. I have witnessed scarlett fever that left a child with massive brain injury and autistic traits and yet he was never diagnosed as autistic.

I really belive that people need to take a closer look at what autism is and what its not. It is something that a person is BORN with, not something that happens as a result of a vaccine or injury.



Something that we are fighthing for in our life right now. In more ways than we ever thought possible.
I had this long post written about what had happened yesterday and then the computer crashed. So for tonight I am copping out again as after another busy day of driving and visiting I am beat. Going to get my babies to bed and have some time to relax.

Enough Said!

Enough Said!

sometimes a simple picture says it all… this is perfect for the day we had. I wish that I had the energy to explain today, but alas this momma is very tired. So although I made the promise to a post a day (and I feel this is a cop out) this is as good as it gets today. Ponder the words. For when Monday comes I will explain all about our crazy and only half over weekend. Lots of family visiting and a few frustrating moments. All in all its been pretty good. But the words of this picture speak volumes to me today. So for tonight and tomorrow simple pictures will do until more coffee and sleep has been had by this momma.

Today is a new day…. a great day. An AUSOME day! April 2, 2014

The lego is lined up in perfect rows. Colors matching and exactly where my bug needs them to be. The creations that he build (all of which are trains) are lined up on the shelf…. and now we have no more lego to play with. I have a feeling that lego will be this years birthday request.

We had a good morning. A rare morning. There were no tears and we only had one pair of clothes. Although we had to find an undershirt since my bug’s home made autism awareness day shirt rubbed him a little wrong. All in all though so far has been pretty ausome.

He was excited to wear his ausome shirt to school and show it off to all of his class. Even his big sister is sporting a great shirt. Proud moment for this mom that she is ready to tell everyone all about her brother, all about autism and all about being accepting of differences. She really is the most amazing little girl and I am trying to figure out what it is that I did to deserve the best babies ever.

My hubby to be is amazing! He is wearing his shirt to work today too. It matches our little man’s and honestly its just about the sweetest thing ever. Just when I think I can’t possibly love this man anymore, he does something else that not a lot would. He is a proud daddy and it makes my heart happy.

Its been a good day so far and honestly I can’t wait to get some more pictures of everyone all decked out once they are home. I have a shirt too and can’t wait to wear it…. if ever the baby goes for a nap so that I can manage a shower.

I never realized just how much parents take for granted. I would love to pee alone! Just once. And a long hot shower, whenever I want withouth worrying about who’s anxiety will spike or who will scream and cry or who will just need momma. So soon, yes soon. I am being optimistic that my littlest will let me have a shower.

Autism 1st…. I mean April 1st.

Well today started just like any other day. I was woken up by my youngest screaming because she wants everyone to know that she is awake and exists. Followed by hugs and kisses and happy screams of “my mommy” when my oldest even looked at me. Got the girls cleaned up and ready for the day. Showers and breakfast of you guessed it toast and nutella or as my son calls is “vandilla”. (were not sure where that one came from and no matter how many times we tell him its nutella it never sticks, so we pick our battles, at least we know what he is asking for)

Then it was time to wake up my bug. He had another rough night. He didn’t want to fall asleep. First it was that he had the wrong jammies on and he didnt like last nights toothbrush or toothpaste (we have 4 toothbrush’s and 3 kinds of paste at all times and last night I picked wrong) then he needed more milk and then he had to go to the bathroom (YAY he told us and used the toilet (and the wall and the floor) but awesome progress considering that night time is still often very tricky with bathroom needs). Finally got him settled in his nest of blankets. Yes he literally sleeps in a nest of blankets. With three pillows, what seems like ten thousand teddy bears, Peanut, Cookie (his elephant and lion) and a fresh cup of milk. Sleep finally took his sweet little mind off to sleep…. and then our oldest was up. She has never liked sleep. I am blessed and lucky if she sleeps 5 hours a  night. Not sure why but she has always been this way.

Anyways this morning came far to fast and this exhausted momma really didn’t want to get up. The blankets and pillows had accepted me as one of thier own… but alas I hauled my tired butt out of bed. Got greated with fore-mentioned screams and giggles, lots of hugs and wonderful caffinated black gold. I am a lucky woman, my amazing hubby to be gets up every morning long before everyone else and gets coffee made for me (he is crazy and doesn’t drink the stuff) and the kids lunches made for the school day. Its a god send as by the time all the kids are up and I am faking my way through the morning until I have consumed at least a pot of coffee, nothing gets accomplished.

Got the girls ready and watching Frozen, again. Movies save the morning…. ALWAYS. If the girls aren’t content then it makes the mornings hell as trying toget my bug ready is next to impossible. It was time for his breakfast and momma screw up #1 of the day…. we are out of “vandilla”.

OH NO! let the mayhem begin.

Convinced him that today it was okay to have circles and milk. (cheerios)

Made it through breakfast fairly unscathed. He is not happy but we can work with this, the tears have held off so small steps towards big success. Or so I had hoped.

Got him his comfy clothes. Went through three shirts, two pairs of underware and four pairs of socks. But he was dressed. Thirty seconds later turns out his pants are on backwards. Finally got that fixed after what felt like me asking 50 times for him to fix it. Where are his socks? Seriously…. they were hiding in the bathroom. Okay pair number 5. Finally he is dressed, everything is on the right way.

We have 10 minutes until we have to leave. SUCCESS!!! I am thrilled. Down another cup of black gold…. shit that was hot. But really who cares, the caffinated blessing is surging through my veins and I will live to make it another morning.

Time to get snow gear on since spring still hasn’t made an apperance here. Much to my bug’s dismay its tiem to leave. He was building so nice with his lego. I tried to clean it up so that I could get him out the door…. next big momma mistake. He screamed and flopped to the floor. I broke a “thing” he had made. It was suppose to go on the shelf and I broke it. The look of utter betrayal that I got just about broke my heart.  Of course this means that he needs to rebuild the piece I broke. But there isn’t time.

So I did what I had to. I took him from his room crying to get him ready for school.

Finally got him on the bus… oh his poor teacher. She is a fantastic woman so hopefully once he is there he will have a good day.

Today is Tuesday which means family swimming night. Fingers crossed it goes better than the morning did.

Where it all begins….

Where it all begins....

Our world revolves around pictures.
We have simple routines here and the schedule is a picture one. No literally, we have pictures for everything. My bug seems to understand and process better when he can see versus being informed. We have pictures for going to the bathroom, washing hands, getting dressed, watching tv and playing trains. We have picture for meals and special occasions, pictures for grocery shopping and for family visits. When all else fails we have a picture. We have pictures at home on the walls, in drawers, in the bathroom and kitchen. There are pictures in my purse that we carry with us at all times. We don’t always have to use them, but lord help me if I don’t have them and need them. Im not sure anymore if its for my bug or for me. Pictures help our life, pictures make the world go round, pictures help us function. Its gotten to the point that even the munchkins that dont need the pictures use them too, its just easier that way and its a form of communication that we can all use and a common ground for the moments when words are beyond our capacity and my bug is spinning and grunting and smashing his head in to walls, floors, people…. anything in sight.
We have a fabulous new school and the most amazing new teacher for our little man. She listened, really listened to what we had to say. After our very first meeting the very first week at his new school. My bug came home with a very long note in his agenda and a (you guessed it) PICTURE! This picture is of a train (his very most favorite thing) and it has 12 cars. One car for each period of school. Inside his train cars is just enough space for a sticker. At the end of every class or time period in the day he can earn a sticker. The picture works. He only likes the train when all the cars are full. Talk about a great motivator for a little guy that has struggled at school. He struggles not because he isn’t smart (honestly he is too smart, scary smart) but because he got labelled and he was labelled wrong (but that’s another post all together).
We have pictures for grocery lists and pictures for things. Pictures is where it all begins for us.

Where does it begin for you and your child? What makes life easier? What helps you function?

On a side note: this is a picture of my bug when he was younger. I am not sure what it is but I have always loved this picture. It makes my heart happy.

What ASD, SPD and NT look like to me…. Can you spot the differences?

What ASD, SPD and NT look like to me.... Can you spot the differences?

I don’t see differences any bigger than the obvious. Boy vs girls, long hair vs short hair. Maybe that’s part of the problem with people today…. we actively search for differences in people. To me, these are my babies. Pure and simple. Yes my bug is Autistic and my daughter has some major sensory issues and the baby, well she seems as neuro-typical as they get. But then again I have never done the ~normal~ baby thing so I am just going off what I think I know. All I know is that these three are my reason for being, my lifeline and my happiness. Even with the challenge I would NEVER change it or wish for a ~cure~. Man the world would be a borning place. My so called special or high needs kids have taught me more about life and love and pure joy than I ever though possible or could ever hope to teach them. So are they different? YES!!! In all the most amazing ways.

For the month of April in honor of Autism

So as many of you already know since I have shared and plastered my facebook with pictures and posts…. April is Autism Awareness month. To many this isn`t a big deal. To our family its become huge.

Although we always knew that my bug was a little ~different~ we still never imagined that we would hear those words. I had gone to the specialist in the hopes of being told that if I was a better mom, or if I did this instead, it would all be okay and he would be ~normal~ not that I want him to be normal. I love my son exactly the way he is. But there are times that I feel like I should be able to do more for him. Life isn`t always easy for my bug, and that breaks my heart.

So in honor of Autism being AWESOME in our family and in honor of Autism Awareness month I will be letting all of you in a little more so that you can see what and how Autism is in our world and how it effects all of us, even when we dont realize it. So a post a day or maybe more, that`s my pledge. To raise some awareness and give some insite and embrase the small moments that make my life so amazing with all three of my babies. The good, the bad, the happy and the heart breaking. This is our life with Autism and sensory processing disorder (asd and spd as they are normally refered to by me). I hope you enjoy!

Here`s to my babies and Autism and the wonderful life that we have been blessed with!

Smile! You’re at the best site ever